The Couch to 10K training program uses the walk/run method which is very popular among beginner runners.
A method designed to train you from zero fitness to 10K within 12 weeks.
As the name would suggest, this program is a little more ambitious than the conventional Couch to 5K, but that doesn’t mean to say you won’t complete it – even if you have done little or no running since school, you will still reach the 10K finish line if you follow the program week by week
So whether you are planning to run a 10K event or just want to start running and give yourself a challenge... this page is for you ;-)
The walk/run method lets your body learn how to adapt to running gradually, allowing your muscles to recover which will help avoid injury. This method uses intervals of walking as well as running, building your confidence and steadily building stamina and fitness
10K may seem like a lofty target if you are a beginner or out of shape, but take it week by week and follow the running tips below and you'll give yourself a good chance of completing your target
how good will that feel...
The Couch to 10K (below) is a 3 day a week training program and, like the Couch to 5K program, I have designed it so that the third run of each week is the longest and the second run is (usually) the shortest; I have also included 2 "easy" weeks
You might want to set your long run for the weekend while doing the first two workouts during the week?
But feel free to swap them around as you wish, just avoid running on consecutive days, this will allow your muscles to recover properly after each run ;-)
Running Tips HQ:
On non-running days consider cycling or swimming as part of your cross training - but remember to have one day of complete rest every week
Start and finish each workout with a 5 minute walk. This warms up your muscles before a run and allows those tired muscles to recover after a run - good for injury prevention ;-)
Note: On Day 1 repeat the Run and Walk intervals 8 times (x8) and on Day 2 repeat 6 times (x6) and so on… just checking :-)
Here goes...
Week 1 |
Week 7 |
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Once you get through the first 3 or 4 weeks of the training program you’ll start to see significant improvements in your fitness, especially if you are starting from scratch and unused to exercise. Whatever happens though, don’t flop over after only a week or two – give it a chance, and stay positive
"Hang on... what do I do after I've done the Couch to 10K?"
Good question!
You have a couple of options here...
Remember (especially as a beginner) only run 4 or 5 times a week while you get used to running and ALWAYS have one complete rest day, including cross training or weights etc. Your body likes to rest ;-)
Any problems, visit our Running For Beginners page - you will find helpful tips and advice to give you further encouragement, advice and hints ;-)
Failing that, drop us a line :-)
Ready to start your Couch to 10K?
Top 10 beginner running tips – this is a really helpful list to have handy when you are learning how to start running, have a quick look here
📚 Injury-Free Running Tips: Packed with must-know advice for beginner runners and essential checklist for seasoned pros (more)
For extra motivation find out about the health benefits of running. An in depth look at why your running helps you live longer!